Agile Marketing

The term "Agile Marketing" was coined in 2001 by the leaders in the software industry, which became known as a blanket term that covers many different varieties of frameworks and project management methods.


Within the digital world of marketing and business where constant change is inevitable from changes in technology to consumer demand, agile marketing gives teams the ability to remain relevant.

Becoming more agile in the marketing industry is the key to businesses survival.

(The Complete Guide to Agile Marketing, 2015)


More and more marketing teams are adopting agile methodology. In 2019 32% of marketers were using this approach and in 2020 its adoption was up to 42%.

Recent studies show that agile methodologies when adopted can truly transform teams and workloads. One team found that 93% of them experienced a huge improvement in their work from time-saving and strong ideas.

(Brinker, 2020)



This blog post will discuss methods of agile marketing that you can use to benefit your business.


When using agile practices in business, the goal is to overall improve the speed, transparency and adaptability of an agile team's work. The most commonly used frameworks for advertising businesses are Scrum and Kanban methods. For today's blog post we will focus on the Scrum framework and ways in which it could benefit your business or even your next marketing campaign.


The Scrum Framework is based on fast concentrated amounts of work for small teams working towards the same goals. The work consists of sprints or short bursts of work that usually consist of three weeks of work and your scrum team can contain anywhere between three to seven team members.

Within the 3 weeks of work, there are tasks and subtasks set out for the team to achieve. The team and tasks at hand are reliant on a scrum master who will hold daily meetings to ensure the team is on track. At the end of the work sprint, the team and scrum master will have a reflective meeting to discuss what has gone well and what didn’t go well in the sprint before planning the next sprint of work.


The motivations for using this framework are that it is always focusing on continuous improvement. If this hasn’t convinced you of adapting agile marketing here are some more statistics from research at CMG Partners that show agile methodology gave teams better results and were much quicker in achieving goals.

93% found agile helped teams adapt and change focus on tasks more effectively,

87% found an improvement in productivity and 93% found that this method of work saved more time overall.

(The Complete Guide to Agile Marketing, 2015)


This methodology could greatly benefit your business as adapting and developing is key for survival in the world of business.

Autor Deirbhile 


#Marketingforbusiness #projectmanagment #businessinsight #marketingresturants #foodindustry #businessowners #agile #agilemarketing




2015. The Complete Guide to Agile Marketing. 1st ed. [ebook] Workfront. Available at: <> [Accessed 26 March 2021].


Brinker, S., 2020. Latest data on agile marketing, at a time when we can really appreciate it. [online] Chief Marketing Technologist. Available at: <> [Accessed 26 March 2021].


Brinker, S., 2020. Latest data on agile marketing, at a time when we can really appreciate it. [online] Chief Marketing Technologist. Available at: <> [Accessed 26 March 2021].



  1. I really liked your decription of the scrum method. It was concise yet very informative! I eagerly anticipate some content on the Kanban method that you briefly mentioned. This method is one that aims to balance workload demands with available capacity and works from four basic principles to limit idle time:

    • Visualise work.
    • Limit work in process.
    • Focus on flow.
    • Continuous improvement. (Wakode, Raut and Talmale, 2015)
    The Kanban method is thought to have drawn inspiration from the original lean-manufacturing system and is used specifically for knowledge work. This method “is less prescriptive than some agile approaches and less disruptive, as it is the original ‘start-where-you-are’ approach” (Kendal, 2021)

    • Wakode, R., Raut, L. and Talmale, P., 2015. Overview on Kanban Methodology and its Implementation. IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, 3(2), p.1.
    • Kendal, N., 2021. Resources Folder - Agile Marketing - Agile Introduction.

  2. Author: Elizabeth Duffy

    I found your mention of continuous improvement being the focus of using a scrum framework very fitting considering the scrum framework is often used for software development. As it’s ideally suited for digital products like apps and PlayStation games which improve slowly over a long period of time. In this case, team members of the scrum are referred to as developers and “every two weeks to four weeks, real working software is produced- it can be released or enhanced for another sprint.” (Kendal, 2021) If you think about when there is an issue with a game or app and you see a message promising it will be fixed in the next update, this is the same situation. Out of interest, I’ve noticed the time between updates is usually short enough for a problem to remain live without causing too much disruption to the experience or upsetting too many users, but long enough to not annoy users by requiring an update too often as I’m sure there is always something to fix. A fantastic tool for the every-day person to get through their own scrum sprint is Trello. Lists enable users to categorise their tasks by ‘to do’, ‘doing’ and ‘done’ which is a similar way to organise a list of tasks or the ‘sprint backlog’ as it would be called in the scrum framework during a sprint.

    Kendal, N., 2021. Data /Digital Marketing Analytics/Metrics 2021 Project Management - Trello.


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